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Grants (Pre/Post)

Browse grant and contract information below. If you have any questions, please contact your unit grant administrator.

Workday Resources

Budget-Project Crosswalk


How can I let my grant administrator know of a grant that I intend to submit?

  • Please inform the CAHNRS Grants Team of a new grant you intend to submit by filling out the required online proposal intake form.
  • Please contact CAHNRS Grants ( for any pre-award support inquiries.

What process should I expect in working on a proposal (pre-award) with a unit grant administrator?

When do I consider an award a sponsored project and go through ORSO?

If WSU is a subcontractor on a grant, what questions should I ask my counterpart at the lead institution so that I can get my subcontract?

  • Please ask your counterpart at the lead institution to get in contact with their central grants office to let them know a subcontract is needed.
  • You can put your grant administrator in contact with their grant administrator to find out what information they need from us and what forms they require us to fill out. Usually we need a budget, scope of work, and a subcontract initiation form filled in.
  • Please notify your unit grant administrator that you are going to submit a subcontract. Being a Subcontractor on a Proposal (.pdf) provides additional information about the process you should expect.

How do I get a subaccount from multidisciplinary grant that I am not the lead PI?

Work with your unit grants administrator. They can contact the grant administrator of the main PI to either get the subaccount set up at the award stage, or get the RCAR started to set the account up.

When I am dealing with industry, when do I need to start the eREX process?

As soon as you begin to develop a budget and scope of work/work plan, involve your unit grants administrator. They will help you correctly calculate F&A, and prepare the eREX at the appropriate time.

How do I check my grant balances in Workday?

Workday Custom Report titled “CR GRA PI Award Lines Financial Summary” for faculty.

To view:

  1. Enter “CR GRA PI Award Lines Financial Summary” in the Workday search box.
  2. Enter your (PI) name in the “Grant Principal Investigator” box.
  3. Click OK.

The report will display current balances on most grants (with minor exceptions). The report can be exported to Excel by selecting the “X” box at the upper right of the report.





For account setup, please email award notice as soon as received to your grants administrator at If account set-up is time-sensitive (i.e. if you plan to pay staff from the funds, then please indicate this to your grant administrator, so that they can request a “rush” setup from Sponsored Program Services (SPS).

Additional Resources & Documents of Interest


Key Dates

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Contact Information

Pre-AwardContact Post-AwardContact


Lisa Friend
Fiscal Analyst 2/Grant Specialist

Mount Vernon
