- This event has passed.
FY Deadline: June (and any outstanding) Time and Leave Reports
July 1, 2020
We are quickly approaching the fiscal year end, and ask that you please keep the following information in mind. Due to the volume that our team is required to process by the university’s deadlines, we are providing notice of our fast approaching due dates. Please pay particular attention to the dates in early June. Please help us complete our end of fiscal year requirements by following these deadlines.
FY Deadlines
June 3
- Retroactive EAA’s (finance.cmp@wsu.edu)
- Sponsored Project Accounts (11-14) – ETRs (including non-grant ETRs) and EAAs (grants.cmp@wsu.edu)
June 5
- Online purchases (finance.cmp@wsu.edu)
June 25
- Last day for all P-card purchases (finance.cmp@wsu.edu)
June 26
- Negative balances addressed (account clean up) (Todd Landwert will contact impacted account holders)
- Invoices, IRIs, & Service Center Billing (finance.cmp@wsu.edu)
- All P-card/CTA receipts due (finance.cmp@wsu.edu)
- All receipts due for goods & services from departments (finance.cmp@wsu.edu)
July 1
- June (and any outstanding) Time and Leave Reports submitted no later than (finance.cmp@wsu.edu)
A few important items to note:
- Please note that retroactive EAA’s and Payroll Expense Transfer Requests are due to Payroll by June 12. This means if you have any retroactive personnel funding assignments or payroll expense transfers to make for this fiscal year (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020), these need to be into the finance team by no later than June 3 in order for the paperwork to be prepared, signed at all levels, and submitted to Payroll on time (finance.cmp@wsu.edu).
- All sponsored project accounts (11-14) Expense Transfer Requests and EAA’s are due to SPS by June 12 week as well. Please have any grant related ETR and EAA requests into the team ASAP, but no later than June 3 in order for the paperwork to be prepared, signed at all levels, and submitted to SPS on time (grants.cmp@wsu.edu).
- For personnel with appointments or assignments ending on June 30, the Finance Team will be contacting supervisors directly as per usual process for funding renewal details.
- You may continue to make online purchases between now and June 5 if your budget(s) you wish to charge the expense to has a June 30, 2020 end date. This is to ensure goods and services are received on or before June 30 in order to be charged to the current fiscal year. If you have a budget that has an end date beyond June 30 that the expenses can be charged to this June 5 cutoff does not apply.
- However, the last day for in person and online P-card purchases for the month of June is June 25 to allow the P-card reconciler time to reconcile all June P-cards receipts. This is a massive task as many reconcilers reconcile 15+ P-cards so please ensure you are getting receipts to your reconciler as soon as a purchase is made an no later than June 26. P-card purchasing can resume again on July 1.
- All P-card receipts are due to your reconciler by June 26 for reconciliation by the July 7 cutoff.
- Finally, if you purchased equipment that meets Property Inventory criteria during this Fiscal Year and received it on or before June 30, 2020, please ensure you have a Property Inventory tag assigned and the paperwork returned to Property Inventory (Campus Zip 1025) by July 14, 2020. Mount Vernon – please work with Dan Gorton and Todd Landwert and Puyallup and CSANR work with Andrea Engle.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Tatum directly or via finance.cmp@wsu.edu.