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Personnel / Payroll

Browse personnel and payroll information below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Workday Resources

Budget-Project Crosswalk Supervisor of Temporary Hourly Employee - How to Approve Time Temporary Hourly Employee - How to Enter Time Civil Service - How to Enter Time


Personnel Request Form

To appoint a new employee—or to renew or modify a current employee’s appointment—please complete the Personnel Request Form (.pdf) and submit to

How do I hire a temporary employee?

  1. Search and hire non-permanent employee. (All new positions must be reviewed by HRS for compensation and classification. HRS may have questions and other recommendations.)
  2. Fill out the Personnel Request Form (.pdf) and return to the Finance Team.
    • If you do not have all of the information needed to properly fill out the Personnel Request Form, please contact the Finance Team for assistance.
    • Be sure to provide detailed summary of duties in order to determine appropriate classification (reviewed and approved by HRS).
    • Determine non-permanent employee type (scheduled or non-scheduled)
      • Non-Permanent Scheduled (NPS). A non-student hired to meet temporary workload needs for 2 years or less, and is assigned a schedule with a fixed number of working hours in a workweek. For example, an employee could work 15 hours per week but the days and times of the work may vary. Nonpermanent Scheduled employees will be paid on an exception basis similar to Civil Service, Administrative Professional, and Faculty employees. They will have a set salary that is prorated for their established FTE. This means they will be paid the same amount each pay cycle unless a pay affecting time event (e.g. leave without pay, straight time hours, premium pay hours etc.) is submitted and approved during the pay cycle.
      • Non-Permanent Non-Scheduled (NPNS). A non-student hired to meet intermittent workload needs, is temporary in nature (less than 2 years), and who is not assigned a fixed schedule or amount of working time in a workweek that is less than full-time. For example, the employee may work 20 hours one week, 5 hours the next week, and 10 hours the next on a variable schedule. Nonpermanent Nonscheduled (NPNS) employees are paid on an hourly basis based upon the hours submitted and approved on their time entry calendar each pay cycle.
  3. Finance Team personnel support staff confirms or creates a WSU ID for employee. We will need the following information to create their profile in myWSU and generate a WSU ID number:
    • Full legal name
    • Date of birth
    • SSN (Employee should contact Andrea Engle directly at 253-445-4508 to provide this information).
    • Mailing address
    • Personal email address
    • Personal phone number
  4. Have the employee email the Finance Team ( to schedule I-9 verification.

What do I do after I've hired a new employee?

New employees should be provided with the correct onboarding packet for their classification. Return completed forms to the Admin Team (

How do I complete my Time/Leave in Workday?

What do I do when an employee separates from my program?

What is required to have a volunteer in my program?

  • In order to ensure coverage under workers’ compensation and to ensure that the University is covered for liability purposes, volunteer designation must occur before any duties are performed. The department is to maintain records for each volunteer on the Volunteer Monthly Report which include the following information:
    • Name of volunteer
    • Name of department
    • Month of activity
    • Dates, times, and hours of activity performed by the volunteer
    • Description of volunteer services provided
    • Name of department employee who supervised the volunteer
    • University account number that supports workers’ compensation premium charges (see BPPM 30.07)
    • Expenditure authority name, telephone, and e-mail address
  • By the 15th of each month, please send the completed Volunteer Monthly Report to so they can submit this completed form to HRS to report volunteer activity for the previous month.
  • Volunteers are subject to the same University requirements for safety procedures orientation and training as employees (see SPPM 2.16). Complete the required safety trainings located in the onboarding packet and submit to the front office for filing in the volunteer files.
  • The department is to maintain each volunteer file for six years after termination of service.

What is the process for hosting visiting faculty and scholars?

Hosting and Hiring Internationals

This website provides the necessary information and process for hosting exchange visitors. For more information, you may contact International Programs directly at or 509-335-4508.

Employee On-boarding

Mount Vernon

Faculty & Staff

  1. New Employee Checklist
  2. NWREC Personnel Handbook
  3. Key Request/Assignment & Proxcard Request Form
  4. Safety Orientation Checklist
  5. Training Checklist
  6. Hazard Communication Training Certification
  7. New Hire Checklist: Pest Management Recommendations and Testing
  8. WPS Agricultural Safety Pesticide Training Log
  9. NWREC Emergency Evacuation

Graduate Students & Postdocs

  1. Entering Graduate Student Checklist
  2. NWREC Personnel Handbook
  3. New Employee Onboarding Online Resources
  4. Key Request/Assignment & Proxcard Request Form
  5. Safety Orientation Checklist
  6. Training Checklist
  7. Hazard Communication Training Certification
  8. New Hire Checklist: Pest Management Recommendations and Testing
  9. WPS Agricultural Safety Pesticide Training Log
  10. NWREC Emergency Evacuation
Related Documents

Temporary & Time Slip Employees

  1. Temporary Employee Orientation Checklist
  2. Requirements for Temporary Employment
  3. NWREC Personnel Handbook
  4. New Employee Onboarding Online Resources
  5. Key Request/Assignment & Proxcard Request Form
  6. Safety Orientation Checklist
  7. Training Checklist
  8. Hazard Communication Training Certification
  9. New Hire Checklist: Pest Management Recommendations and Testing
  10. WPS Agricultural Safety Pesticide Training Log
  11. NWREC Emergency Evacuation


New Employee On-boarding Packet

Other Resources

Temporary & Time Slip Employees

Other Resources


Key Dates

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Contact Information

Email the Finance TeamSend a message to the group mailbox—

Finance Team

Jennifer Buckles
Fiscal Specialist 2
Andrea Engle
Fiscal Specialist 2
Andrew ‘Drew’ Lewis
Fiscal Specialist Supervisor (Budget Manager)